Sunday 5 January 2014

Class Trailer Review: Day of The Dead (1985)

Genre: Gory Horror

My Mark: 1/ 10 

What happened in the trailer: it was a highlights trailer of all of the 'best bits' of the film, it introduced the main characters and the general plot line but it intersected this with clips of a zombie sitting in the cinema watching the film with lots of people eating popcorn. 

What was positive about the trailer: The trailer was trying to branch out to a wider audience by trying to make the trailer funny as it would maybe attract comedy genre fans to come and watch the film. I can understand that this trailer was trying to be original and it did stick in the minds of everyone who watched the trailer though it was mainly the zombie in the cinema that people would remember. 

What was negative about the trailer: This is one of the most gory horror films made and it was the most gory at the time, however the trailer contained no gore what so ever so fans of the genre would have chosen not to go and watch the film it would have put them off. The style of the trailer made the film seem trashy so fans of the auteur George A Romero would have been really disappointed by this. It makes the plot of the film seem disconnected and boring which it inst, this is made far worse by forcing the audience to watch people watching the film, and those people seem bored by the film as well, it gives extremely negative connotations for the film and puts you off before you even think about going to see it. There is a Cheesy voice over through the trailer and this makes it seem like a comedy once again detracting from the goriest horror of the year. Finally there was no jump scare at the end of the trailer which is almost always needed with a horror trailer as it reinforces it for horror fans, whereas this trailer just seemed to peter out at the end leaving the audience feeling bored and confused. 

Average Score: 2 because it didn't contain any generic features of the horror genre and would have put off George A Romero's fans. 

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