Wednesday 26 February 2014

Final Poster Design

Solo Trailer Review: The Purge

Genre: Gory/ action horror.

What type of trailer: This is a highlights trailer that introduces the characters of the story and the narrative. This trailer has the 'best bits' of the film and this encourages viewers to go and watch the film when it comes to cinemas.

What is good about this trailer: I like the use of the contrapuntal music which is very chorus like with lots of singers, this has connotations of  church and purity which is contrapuntal to the horrific and violet scenes that are happening within the trailer. I also particularly like the blue color design of the trailer as this makes the trailer seem creepy. The low key lighting throughout the trailer makes a form of restricted narration which would appeal to horror fans as it makes the whole trailer seem more horrific and fast paced. I think that the slow happy montage at the start of the trailer is good ad placing the characters and the narrative into a setting that the audience can initially identify with. it is also an interesting juxtaposition with the horror of the trailer.

What is not good about the trailer: I think that the main issue with this trailer is that there is no speech what so ever, this makes the narrative harder to follow and it doesn't allow the audience time to identify with the characters at all. most of all it is frustrating to watch and I felt that the audiences attention would start to wander. I also think that for a gory action horror the trailer did not show any body horror at all and that this would put horror fans off coming to watch the film as the main generic feature of their preferred genre was not shown to them in the trailer.

Score: 5/10 this trailer would not attract fans of the genre because it is frustrating to watch.

Solo Trailer Review: Friday Thirteenth 2009

Genre: Gory Horror

What happens in the trailer: this is a highlights trailer showing the ‘best bits’ of the film. It introduces the characters and backs up generic character conventions such as the final girl and the female victim.  This trailer shows the general plot line as well as the violence and body horror that are within the film.

What is good about the trailer: I think that the slow montage at the start of the trailer sets the scene for the narrative as well as drawing out the tension of the audience. The use of the collision cutting from slow and quiet to loud and fast with the shot of the car going over the camera down the road. I think that this trailer also uses very quick cuts successfully as this raises the heart rate of the audience. I also like the use of the happy music that is parallel to the happy people that just stops just as the true nature of the trailer becomes apparent. This lulls the audience into a false sense of security. I like the way that the trailer counts to thirteen using the victims of Jason, this would be interesting towards fans of the old films as they would feel that they knew what was happening. Fans of the horror genre would also be attracted to this film through the trailer because of the vast amount of body horror and violence that is apparent in the trailer. 

What was bad about the trailer: I think that the trailer takes a long time to get the pace up to the right speed, this may put people off the trailer because they tune out of it before the things that would attract them to the film appear in the trailer. There is also no jump scare so it leaves the audience hanging a bit, there is nothing for them to go away from the trailer with. the trailer also expects the audience to know something about the story by having Jason's mask as the ending image, this would not have the same effect on someone if they knew nothing about the series.

My Score: 7/10 this is a good trailer however which introduces the narrative and genre well however i fear that horror fans would get bored within the start of the trailer as it drags out and people who know nothing about the old series would not understand the trailer completely. 

Solo Trailer Review: Saw 2

Genre:  Gory horror

What happened:  This is a highlights trailer of all of the ‘best bits’ of the film. It introduces the main characters such as the main antagonist and the main victims alongside the general plotline. This shows the horror and violence that is within this film.

What was positive about this trailer: This trailer is very secure in the horror genre the use of quick shots to disorientate the viewer and drag them into the action and chaos of the trailer worked very well; it raised the heart rate and created a sense of chaos for the viewer. This trailer would attract horror fans to see the film as it uses lots of the generic conventions of horror films such as body horror and creepy locations it is also touching on themes such as isolation and the creepiness of the voyeuristic nature of the antagonist. Together I think that these elements are portrayed well in this trailer and therefore this film would instantly appeal to them.

What was negative about this trailer: I personally don’t feel that the use of the blurred words to break up the action worked very well. I understand it is supposed to bring the audience into the narrative of the film however I felt that it just added confusion to the viewer and looked as though there was some sort of editing mistake. The use of the antagonist as the narrator to the trailer did not appeal to me as an audience member as I felt it took away from the serious nature of the film.

Score:   8/10 because I feel that it was a very good trailer that really sold the film well except From the text that it used detracted from the horror as you were trying to read them which distracted you from the violence that was being sold within the film. 

Audience Research 1: Practice Poster

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Rough Cut Horror Trailers: Group Feedback

Scores: 6,7,7,8,8,8,9,8,8,9,8,9,8,7,6,10,8  


       Narrative is good as is the link to historical context-more interesting
      Was well freaked out
       Music & everything!!
         The music was amazing
       I liked the tree wrapping around the leg
       The hanging scene was really good
         The music was well fitted to the trailer
         The use of text
        The storyline looks really good
       Restricted narration at the end
        The moving plant wrapping around the leg
       This was increadible!
       The writing worked really well
         I loved the fact you told a story and as an audience we could understand and follow it
     The music is really good and effective!
         The bit with the lamp is also good
      Basically loved all of it
        Falling down the hill
     Music is good
         Good cinematography
      Text in between is good
       Good song
       Twig round the leg bit
         Nice flash back
         Rolling down the hill
        Moving tree and hill bit
       Music choice
        Clear narrative
        Revolving pan shot in the woods
        Vine grab thing
         Flash backs are cool
      Liked when the lady was hung, looked real and scary
     Falling down the hill
         Music is great so are the costumes
       Hanging was cool
       Really good well planned shots
         Good set and costume
         Use of music
       Good storyline
    Different variety of lighting
         Use of multiple camera angles
      The tree wrapping around the leg
   Picks up pace
        Song has title of film in
        Sound track, although it could develop into other music
   Narrative was good
         Really liked soundtrack
      Understood narrative well
         Liked the ivy vine effect.

Things that could be improved in our trailer

·         Could possibly add some jump scares
·         The light in the tent is on then in the next it is daylight (needs to be dark)
·         Too up beat soundtrack (maybe a little too much suspense)
·         More stuff needs to happen later in the trailer
·         People running around dragged out too much
·         End scream could become a jump scare
·         A bit of action may help
·         More pace
·         Maybe a little bit less talking
·         Didn’t like the spinning, made me feel sickie
·         Tent scene was dark then light... Didn’t work.
·         See Nicole at the end so we kind of know what’s happened
·         Maybe change text (font)
·         Needs a shot on the jump scare not just music?
·         More close ups and quicker shots.
·         Jump scare maybe needed.
·         Music may need to change
·         More jump scares
·         Dialogue a little louder
·         Needs a visual jump scare
·         Dialogue needs to be louder
·         Dialogue needs to be a bit louder
·         Less shots or shorten duration of running shots
·         Too slow
·         Dialogue bad quality/ too quiet
·         Needs more action