Wednesday 26 February 2014

Solo Trailer Review: The Purge

Genre: Gory/ action horror.

What type of trailer: This is a highlights trailer that introduces the characters of the story and the narrative. This trailer has the 'best bits' of the film and this encourages viewers to go and watch the film when it comes to cinemas.

What is good about this trailer: I like the use of the contrapuntal music which is very chorus like with lots of singers, this has connotations of  church and purity which is contrapuntal to the horrific and violet scenes that are happening within the trailer. I also particularly like the blue color design of the trailer as this makes the trailer seem creepy. The low key lighting throughout the trailer makes a form of restricted narration which would appeal to horror fans as it makes the whole trailer seem more horrific and fast paced. I think that the slow happy montage at the start of the trailer is good ad placing the characters and the narrative into a setting that the audience can initially identify with. it is also an interesting juxtaposition with the horror of the trailer.

What is not good about the trailer: I think that the main issue with this trailer is that there is no speech what so ever, this makes the narrative harder to follow and it doesn't allow the audience time to identify with the characters at all. most of all it is frustrating to watch and I felt that the audiences attention would start to wander. I also think that for a gory action horror the trailer did not show any body horror at all and that this would put horror fans off coming to watch the film as the main generic feature of their preferred genre was not shown to them in the trailer.

Score: 5/10 this trailer would not attract fans of the genre because it is frustrating to watch.

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