Wednesday 12 February 2014

Rough Cut Horror Trailers: Group Feedback

Scores: 6,7,7,8,8,8,9,8,8,9,8,9,8,7,6,10,8  


       Narrative is good as is the link to historical context-more interesting
      Was well freaked out
       Music & everything!!
         The music was amazing
       I liked the tree wrapping around the leg
       The hanging scene was really good
         The music was well fitted to the trailer
         The use of text
        The storyline looks really good
       Restricted narration at the end
        The moving plant wrapping around the leg
       This was increadible!
       The writing worked really well
         I loved the fact you told a story and as an audience we could understand and follow it
     The music is really good and effective!
         The bit with the lamp is also good
      Basically loved all of it
        Falling down the hill
     Music is good
         Good cinematography
      Text in between is good
       Good song
       Twig round the leg bit
         Nice flash back
         Rolling down the hill
        Moving tree and hill bit
       Music choice
        Clear narrative
        Revolving pan shot in the woods
        Vine grab thing
         Flash backs are cool
      Liked when the lady was hung, looked real and scary
     Falling down the hill
         Music is great so are the costumes
       Hanging was cool
       Really good well planned shots
         Good set and costume
         Use of music
       Good storyline
    Different variety of lighting
         Use of multiple camera angles
      The tree wrapping around the leg
   Picks up pace
        Song has title of film in
        Sound track, although it could develop into other music
   Narrative was good
         Really liked soundtrack
      Understood narrative well
         Liked the ivy vine effect.

Things that could be improved in our trailer

·         Could possibly add some jump scares
·         The light in the tent is on then in the next it is daylight (needs to be dark)
·         Too up beat soundtrack (maybe a little too much suspense)
·         More stuff needs to happen later in the trailer
·         People running around dragged out too much
·         End scream could become a jump scare
·         A bit of action may help
·         More pace
·         Maybe a little bit less talking
·         Didn’t like the spinning, made me feel sickie
·         Tent scene was dark then light... Didn’t work.
·         See Nicole at the end so we kind of know what’s happened
·         Maybe change text (font)
·         Needs a shot on the jump scare not just music?
·         More close ups and quicker shots.
·         Jump scare maybe needed.
·         Music may need to change
·         More jump scares
·         Dialogue a little louder
·         Needs a visual jump scare
·         Dialogue needs to be louder
·         Dialogue needs to be a bit louder
·         Less shots or shorten duration of running shots
·         Too slow
·         Dialogue bad quality/ too quiet
·         Needs more action

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