Wednesday 26 February 2014

Solo Trailer Review: Saw 2

Genre:  Gory horror

What happened:  This is a highlights trailer of all of the ‘best bits’ of the film. It introduces the main characters such as the main antagonist and the main victims alongside the general plotline. This shows the horror and violence that is within this film.

What was positive about this trailer: This trailer is very secure in the horror genre the use of quick shots to disorientate the viewer and drag them into the action and chaos of the trailer worked very well; it raised the heart rate and created a sense of chaos for the viewer. This trailer would attract horror fans to see the film as it uses lots of the generic conventions of horror films such as body horror and creepy locations it is also touching on themes such as isolation and the creepiness of the voyeuristic nature of the antagonist. Together I think that these elements are portrayed well in this trailer and therefore this film would instantly appeal to them.

What was negative about this trailer: I personally don’t feel that the use of the blurred words to break up the action worked very well. I understand it is supposed to bring the audience into the narrative of the film however I felt that it just added confusion to the viewer and looked as though there was some sort of editing mistake. The use of the antagonist as the narrator to the trailer did not appeal to me as an audience member as I felt it took away from the serious nature of the film.

Score:   8/10 because I feel that it was a very good trailer that really sold the film well except From the text that it used detracted from the horror as you were trying to read them which distracted you from the violence that was being sold within the film. 

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